Daniel S. Messinger

Professor of Psychology, Pediatrics, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Music Engineering

Curriculum vitae

Department of Psychology

University of Miami

Bootstrapping Application


Communicative behavior and interaction are composed of sequences of actions. The bootstrapping software disseminated here allows a user to determine whether these sequences happen at greater than chance levels. More details are available in Yale et al., (1999; 2003), one of which should be cited in articles and presentations using this software.
If you have questions, email [email protected] about using this program.  Please include a summary of your purpose in requesting this information. 


On this page you can download the stand alone Bootstrapping application.  
The bootstrapping application is based on a Matlab script file. Although Matlab is not required to run the script, you will need to install the Matlab Runtime Environment (known as MCR). Due to including the MCR in the self extracting file you will download, the size of the file is 200MB. This application expects two data input files. For example, within the sample data input files there are several columns of data. There are two columns of descriptors that are consistent across cells (subject #,age). In addition, there is a column of unique codes specifying a certain behavioral action (e.g., numerals indicating smile or no smile). The last two columns are the onset and offset times of the behavioral action. The onset and offset times are in a continuous metric (similar to frame counts). The offset time in one row is followed by the onset time of a new behavior in the next row that is one unit in advance. At the end of the session onset time and offset time are equal.


Note: The file is 200MB in size, and is a self-extracting archive. Once the file extracts, you will be prompted to install the MCR Matlab Runtime Environment. Select you language, and install the program. For best results, store the downloaded file in its own folder and extract there.

Once installation is finished, click on the bootstrapping.exe icon to start the program.
Download Links
Bootstrapping Application: Click here to download the application.
Sample Inupt data: The following link contains a zipped archive of Excel files with data that can be used to enter into the application. Click here to download the sample data.

Source Code: If you'd like the source code used to write this application, you can download this zip archive, which contains 25 files. Note: You will need MATLab to view and edit the source code. Click here to download the Source Code.

How to use the Bootstrapping application

Characteristics of Data Input Files:
This application expects three data input files.
  1. An excel data file for Behavior A (e.g., see sample smile data)
  2. An excel data file for Behavior B (e.g., see sample gaze data)
  3. General coding descriptors identifying the possible values (e.g., Gaze = 3, No Gaze = 4; see the ID.xlsx file)
Note: When using your own data, input files should be in excel format. Within the sample data input files there are several columns of data. There are two columns of descriptors that are consistent across cells (subject #, age). In addition, there is a column of unique codes specifying a certain behavioral action (e.g., numerals indicating smile or no smile). The last two columns are the onset and offset times of the behavioral action. The onset and offset times are in a continuous metric (similar to frame counts). The offset time in one row is followed by the onset time of a new behavior in the next row that is one unit in advance. At the end of the session onset time and offset time are equal.

Running the Bootstrapping Application:
First, select the appropriate data input files for Behavior A, Behavior B, and the names of the variables "ID.xlsx". Within "ID.xlsx" you can edit the labels for Behavior A and Behavior B as well as the possible values for these behaviors. Next, click "Perform Bootstrapping". A series of statistics will be generated in the program window. These results can be exported to an excel file using the "Export Results" button on the bottom left of the program window. The generated results in the excel file reflect:
  1. One-dimensional results (i.e., 4 columns indicating the behavioral code for Behavior A, the duration of this behavior, the onset time of this behavior and the offset time of this behavior; results are similar for Behavior B)
  2. Sample statistics (mean duration and total sample duration)
  3. Resampled means
  4. Resampled standard deviations
  5. Z-scores Cross-dimensional results (i.e., frequency counts for various behavioral events accounting for occurrence and timing of Behavior A and B)


The following PowerPoint presetation illustrates Bootstrapping. Click here to download the presentation.

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