Daniel S. Messinger

Professor of Psychology, Pediatrics, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Music Engineering

Curriculum vitae

Department of Psychology

University of Miami

Video Data


On this page you can download video files and data files containing ground truth FACS coding contained in: 
Messinger, D. S., Mahoor, M., Chow, S., & Cohn, J. F. (2009). Infant Smiling Dynamics and Perceived Positive Emotion. Infancy, 14.
If you are interested in viewing this data, email [email protected] about obtaining access to this information.  Please include a summary of your purpose in requesting this information. 

This database was created and made available courtesy of NSF grant 1052736.
Please acknowledge use of this website and NSF Grant 1052736 in publications and presentations.


Data is available for Dyad A.  Included below is each video segment and the corresponding ground truth data in both SPSS and Excel data formats. 
The ground truth data includes FACS intensity coding for Action Units 6 and 12. Both smiling (AU12) and eye constriction caused by orbicularis oculi, pars lateralis (AU6) were coded on 6-point scales, ranging from 0 (absent), to 1 (trace) to 5 (maximum) (1-5, corresponding to the five FACS intensity levels).

Video Codecs

Video codecs are software profiles that determine the way that the data in a video file is encoded or decoded. To ensure accurate playback of the video data below, please ensure that you have installed the latest version of the Xvid codec http://www.xvid.org/

Terms of Usage

Video and data are to be used solely for the purposes of research and only through the direct permission of Dr. Daniel Messinger. 


By clicking on the attached links below, you hereby agree not to divulge this Confidential Information to any third party or parties, or use the Information for any purposes other than research.  You further agree to limit disclosure to only those employees of your Company who are necessary to complete your research, and you shall make such disclosures only after such employees have agreed to not divulge this Confidential Information.  You shall take all appropriate and reasonable steps to prevent the disclosure of the Confidential Information as provided herein.
Note: There are two version of each video available. There is an AVI version for Windows users, and an MOV version for Mac users.

Dyad A

Segment 1: Video Data(Infant AVI/MOV - Mother AVI/MOV) Ground Truth Data(SPSS - XLS)
Segment 2: Video Data(Infant AVI/MOV - Mother AVI/MOV) Ground Truth Data(SPSS - XLS)
Segment 3: Video Data(Infant AVI/MOV - Mother AVI/MOV) Ground Truth Data(SPSS - XLS)
Segment 4: Video Data(Infant AVI/MOV - Mother AVI/MOV) Ground Truth Data(SPSS - XLS)


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